Programme outside Rotterdam
Outside Rotterdam there is also plenty to do around architecture and the future of the city. Therefore we highlight some programmes you can visit during Rotterdam Architecture Month in other places in the Netherlands.
June 17: Day of Architecture in Amersfoort by FASadE
During the national Day of Architecture in Amersfoort, FASadE (Amersfoort forum for architecture, urbanism and landscape) organizes several activities. Visit an extraordinary 1970s house designed by Amersfoort architect Leo Heijdenrijk. Afterwards, watch the documentary ‘Pioneers of the modern home in the Netherlands’ in the Rietveld Pavilion, with closing Q&A. The Young Dogs of FASadE, together with Hoefkwartier & Bureau Brick, organize a lecture on the Hoefkwartier. This will be followed by a Placegame in the Hoefkwartier.
Please note: these programmes are in Dutch.

June 20: Spatial planning of NOW with Riek Bakker in Tilburg
In the second edition of ‘Ruimtelijke ordening van NU’, Riek Bakker focuses with guests from the Stadhuis in Tilburg on the first draft of the ‘Integral Spatial Proposal North Brabant’. Thinkers and creators of policy and space will discuss governance and design in the municipality and region. Governance and design are examined: opportunities and challenges of regional development of space and policy. Everyone interested in public space is invited to participate.
Please note: this programme is in Dutch.
De hele maand juni viert ARCAM de Amsterdamse architectuur, met als hoogtepunt de Dag van de Architectuur in het weekend van 17 en 18 juni 2023.
Tijdens de Maand van de Architectuur worden alle evenementen en expo’s geïnitieerd en georganiseerd door anderen, onder auspiciën van Arcam. Van pop-up expo’s tot boekpresentaties en van discussies tot de eerste editie van het architectencafé Barcam: Arcam is het levende hart van de architectuur van Amsterdam.
Juni Amsterdam Architectuurmaand 2023 — Arcam